
Time for an update! After a thrilling shoot (during which, miraculously, no one got injured, though lead actor Eric Newcombe came close) and some long weekends of editing, we have locked picture and are prepping for the final color grade and sound mix. And of course, fundraising continues so that we can pay for all this – much is owed to many.
We also finally have a title: FOREST BORN. Stay tuned for more news soon…

We Made It!

Heartfelt thanks to all the supporters who took us to our Kickstarter goal and beyond! With our post-production budget met, we have finished color grading and sound mixing – Harmon is now finished! We’re submitting it to film festivals now. Stay tuned…

Help Us Get Harmon Finished!

KSR_FundedWith_1inButtonPlease take a minute to check out our Kickstarter campaign for Harmon.  You can see a short trailer there and make a pledge (really, any amount helps, no matter how small, by boosting our number of backers and getting us more “Popular” visibility on the Kickstarter site). And tell your friends – we’re coming down to the wire and we really need your help. Thank you!

The Finish Line

Gary working his magic

Today we finished our sound mix with the great Gary Rizzo. Composer Alexis Harte and I got to hear the soundtrack come alive in 5.1 Surround. With color correction completed at ZAP Zoetrope Aubry Productions last week, there really isn’t anything left to do on Blood Makes the Green Grass Grow. We’re actually done!

I’ve already submitted the unfinished version to a few festivals, and in the next weeks (and months…) I’ll be submitting to more, now with the completed version in all its sonic and pictorial glory.

Goal Reached!

Sweet Success

Yesterday we crossed the threshold (and even went a bit beyond our goal), making our Kickstarter campaign a success. Thanks to all who contributed and spread the word. Now it’s on to the home stretch. I’ve already met with the composer and sound editor, and have set up a plan with the color-correction facility. Onwards!

First Cut

Friday, May 20

It’s taken a while, fitting in the edit around various projects-for-hire, but I finished the first cut today at noon. I’ve stuck with assembling the movie as written for the most part, and now the trick will be to take a step back and see if there are any outside-the-box structural changes worth making. This will be a challenge, as I’m so deeply entrenched in the vision I’ve been elaborating since last September, when I began writing the screenplay.